Within the selection of techniques the most important in the inbound project are: The business blog where we spoke in the previous post and its importance in the company.
The other technique is the realization of marketing quality content that generate value in communication and finally the sales department must be aligned.
The rest of the techniques complement the process of accelerating the result, such as digital or traditional techniques (advertising, email marketing, SEO, SEM, public relations).
You have to be clear about a point, from my point of view, what is important in inbound marketing when actions are generated, no matter how you attract people to your website or blog or any action generated, the key is to attract but in a way not intrusive
Based on my research, workshops, courses, seminars and cross-information with people specialized in the subject, inbound marketing is not achieved in the short term, it is a medium and long-term job, working in alignment with the team of the company or the specialist marketing agency, so that everything must be aligned based on a single objective established at the time of generating the established strategies.
Currently companies demand results at a shorter time, for this reason the inbound marketing agencies must generate promotional advertising actions in different media in order to obtain faster results and accelerate the project, but always maintaining a line of work and objective established.
Traditionally, marketing has used intrusive techniques to attract customers, these aggressive techniques as we had mentioned at the beginning of the post are known as push or outbound techniques.
This form of traditional marketing based on the purchase in spaces in different channels where they expected to find their audience in a massive way without achieving a desired segmentation based on the target, including also online channels since the way of working traditionally is paying advertising makes it in competitive and at the same time costly means, becoming dependent on the payment sector. If a channel obtains good results, companies will compete to be in that place and will be more competitive, therefore prices will rise.
Inbound marketing seeks to structure its own channels of attraction so that the company generates greater autonomy in long term time. How are we going to generate that relationship? Providing value to our customers to fall in love with that brand, company or product.
The inbound marketing in USA coordinates a series of marketing techniques, public relations and advertising, with this methodology we seek to attract traffic to our website and get lead to start a communication process with the client.
All these techniques work in the purchase cycle a specific phase, companies capture people going to the database and then during the process become a customer. For companies, their most valuable asset is the data base, because with it they will start working and may generate more satisfied customers towards the company.
Now, companies when they get to know and work throughout the entire purchase process, get to get a strong relationship with the customer, because he manages to know all the needs and really knows what the customer feels, analyze how he would live his purchase process , how it would be shared in its phases of appearance of need, investigation, comparison and finally action.
What we achieve within these phases in the purchase process is to generate content of each one accompanying the client to perform a good action, so that the client feels that he is making the right decision and does not feel pressured to buy but to feel comfortable inside the process. This methodology in the way the phases are structured and how they work, for the market is a great innovation in the field of marketing.
Phases of the Inbound Marketing methodology
Inbound marketing is based on 4 phases that correspond to the stages of the user’s purchase process.
Attraction of traffic.