In this post you will find important meanings to Branded Content and Storytelling develop, I invite you to read this article below.
What is Branded Content and Storytelling?

In a world so tired of content and the ease that exists to communicate, the channels of interaction, as the audience every day is more aware of the content developed on particular issues. A generated a very open relationship in general terms, which the user has the ability to choose to see, hear and comment on any topic.
Companies are creating content every day, even many are joining with good advertising agency to start creating these contents that users want to see.
The creation of content should be of value, filling the expectations and needs of the target audience, in order to impact the audience in a viral way and create a story in the real world. (Post: Content Marketing)
What is branded content?
In the branded content as its meaning says brand content, but can be expressed in various ways, can be the contents produced by a brand with the aim of branding.
The important thing is to create content that the user wants to see and can follow through any channel that is. In the branded content companies play a fundamental role and it is creativity, because through this they will express a series of brand content which the audience is aware of the information, with the branded we strengthen a relationship with the audience fulfilling some of the most important objectives of marketing and is the Engagement. The branded content must be expressed in a way: Natural, credible and organic.
Brand experience is closer to experience, promotion and advertising. Creativity and entertainment are important as they use various channels such as digital and traditional.

Types of branded content
Information or editorial: Brand journalism
Known as brand journalism, is to imagine a publication based on news, but sponsored by the brand. The information is similar to that of a newspaper but in this case it is specialized, focused on a sector but related to the brand.
Brand journalism is the form of branded content closest to content marketing, journalism focuses on information and news, as in content marketing is in the interest of the user.
The content generation thrown by the Brand journalism attracts a lot of traffic for the elaborated news, many companies are making important changes in their web pages and they are creating news contents dealing with various topics of interest.
In the branded content, entertainment brings users closer in an easier way, the way of consuming content is done in a more natural and fun way.
In the Brand entertainment audiovisual formats are used to narrate their stories as:
- Short films or films
- Web series, serialized stories
- Music, songs or albums
- Games, stories about the brand
- Apps for mobile
With entertainment it is easier to confuse the branded content with the sponsorship, keeping in mind that the idea is born with the brand, even in the branded content the brand actively participates in its development of the story.
What is narrated is much more important than the brand, explaining the story so that the brand is included, is the goal of branded content.
If the user consumes the contents in a non-intrusively way, it can be considered valuable content, the brand’s attributes must be taken into account in the story. In the branded content it is still an experience for the user, he must feel it as his.
Objectives and results of branded content
Knowing our target audience is the first step to a Brand content strategy. In the branded content it has a slope in the Brand journalism where the instrument to attract the user is the information, but the Brand entertainment is more lasting and deep.
It is important to create parallel actions so that the experience lasts and also to be able to take the traffic to the website, this kind of content has a great dependence on the piece channels (television, YouTube, social networks). The relationships between channels will lead us to talk about transmedia, although not all branded content is multiplatform.
With all these contents we manage to improve the user experience, it is to seek interaction with users in other channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, everything depends on the analysis with the team where the contents will be addressed, this can be measured in the increase of followers in social networks, comments, share the page.
In this example we found several videos that had a positive impact on the branded content: Example
Branded content cannot be considered a campaign because the experience lasts over time.
What is storytelling for companies?
It is the action of telling those stories and their origin in the form of a story, is what is called Storytelling. An example is the speech of Steve Jobs.
With the stories is to catch the users who listen, not to sell but to excite, to convert the audience that relates to the brand, is to connect with it, storytelling is an art of storytelling.
Storytelling is the art of telling stories credible but with emotion about an event that happened and it was an achievement to be overcome, it consists of using the narrative mechanism in business communication, the goal is to emotionally approach the user with the connection that is achieved humanizing the brand or product.
How to explain the history of a company
We must take into account several steps in a narrative and business communication such as:
- The subject or message is something intangible, reflects the moral and that is why it usually coincides with the vision, mission, values .
- The argument or plot is what makes a story real, it is explained in a sequence of events that make up the chapters of a book or scenes in a movie.
- The conflict is what makes history advance.
- The protagonist of the story is the brand whose goal is to connect with the reader, in other words, become their benefactor.
- Readers of the story are potential customers, rather, they should be able to identify themselves as possible buyers or beneficiaries of the brand.
The story told by the company should explain who we are, what we believe and how we think, if we want to take advantage of storytelling, we must humanize the brand, with narrations that can generate empathy.
The following questions should be proposed to find our story:
- What is the reason for the company?
- What was it founded for?
- What history is behind the brand?
- Was it founded by some special provocation?
- Who are the protagonists of the history of the brand?
- Anyone other than its founders?
- What is the mission of these protagonists?
- What problems are they trying to solve?
- Have you stumbled?
- Have they failed at some point?
Download the template for the content plan
In the branded content, the content is promoted by a brand or company while it is being consumed with the audience, the brand is making a presence, it is in those moments where the user does not perceive the brand as advertising issues since it is within the generalized history
In the branded content it has two aspects: the journalism based on the information Brand journalism and the audiovisual based on entertainment Brand entertainment.
The objective of branding is the clearest when talking about any brand content but you can also get traffic, especially in the Brand journalism.
To find our stories we must know ourselves in depth, internalize who the company is and discover what we have special. For GPS Marketing it is a pleasure to know the methodology and day by day we learn and develop skills
Companies like Metroblock and SFC STRIKER use branded content and storytelling to empower their brand and generate recognition in the minds of consumers. Through this technique the brand is positioned and manages to improve its position in the market.